Sunday 31 August 2014

5 months has gone so fast.

It was so sad saying farewell to Rhian in Auckland, it is very hard to think we will not see her for a year now except on Skype. I am just glad Callum is still here for a couple of weeks - although the hole in my heart will be twice as big when he goes back to start his new life as a student in Wales.

Rhian starts her first proper job today as a Year 4 Primary Teacher in Caerleon, so all the best to her today.
Missing her.....

Callum Malcolm and I had a very energetic weekend, Malcolm and Cal played golf on Friday, then we went mountain biking up in the Redwoods near Rotorua, which was exciting (and scary at times!) We also saw a helicopter rescue while we were there where some chap was airlifted to hospital after buckling his bike.

Sunday saw Malcolm and I racing sailing as crewe on a Chico 30, in force 6-7 gusting 8's! another rather scary and very exciting few hours (if a bit wet and cold)! These pictures are of the previous time when there was so little wind we couldn't finish the race - the chap in the hat is the skipper - a very friendly crew.

Here are some other photo's Rhian took of local birdlife - Black Oysercatchers, a Tui and a Parakeet.



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