Saturday 11 October 2014

6 months on and Spring is here

It has taken a good few weeks to settle back into a normality and to stop feeling a bit homesick for the kids, family and friends. It has been just wonderful to Skype so many good friends back home.

We have had a couple of quieter weekends and have enjoyed seeing signs of spring, although it does seem to roar into spring here with gales and 'every weather in a day' type of climate (more like our Autumn!)

Here are a few piccies taken yesterday on a walk through the Maclaren Falls Park.

We also went to the market a brought a small plant of the balcony!
And I went horse trekking - not sure I'll go again I could hardly walk! fun though, my horse was called Destiny! Malcolm played golf - so back to normal.

In 2 weekends we are off for a 4 day sail/race up to Mercury Island - fingers crossed for good weather.

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