Monday 26 January 2015

Big Fish

Catching up with ourselves again now!!

These are a couple of shots of where Malcolm and Shona are working at the moment. Malcolm's Prendos office is in 1st Avenue in down town Tauranga and Shona is working at Envirohub - an environmental charity, 3 days a week for 3 months, in the Historic Village on 17th Ave. Malcolm has also joined the gym next door!

This weekend has been a bank holiday and we were invited down to some friends 'batch'  - meaning a small holiday home the word comes from 'batchelor pad' . This one is very luxurious on the shores of Lake Rotoiti, where we tried our hand at trout fishing - not very successfully!!
Maarche our hostess however caught a beautiful 8lb rainbow trout.

 Malcolm did get a nibble from quite a big fish but it 'got away'!!
The competition between the ladies and gents was quite fierce though to see who would win the day
The best team won!

Each couple had to cook one of the evening meals and our turn was 25th January - Burns Night.

So it had to be the traditional fare! Shona got a haggis sent down from Auckland as there was none to be had in Tauranga and we had a lovely evening with Haggis Stacks with Whisky gravy, Cranachan, Tattoo pipe band music, the Selkirk Grace, To a Haggis poem & Drambui, all rounded off by dancing the Gay Gordons on the deck!

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