Saturday 7 March 2015

Difficult time

The last week of February has been a very distressing and upsetting time, Malcolm's dad Iori who had been in hospital for 2 weeks became very ill. The family kept vigil for a full week until St David's day 1st of March, when the sky was blue and the daffodils were dancing that Iori passed away. A true Welshman to the end.

Everyone has found this time very hard but we are so grateful to Wynford who kept Malcolm and I in very close touch through Whatsapp. Rhian and Callum said their goodbyes on the Saturday. The funeral will be on Monday 16th March.

Malcolm left last Tuesday to fly home, it took a day and a half to get there direct. He arrived back to  a chilly 3 degrees, and he had forgotten his hat!

Malcolm is staying with his mum while he is in the UK but has gone down to Cardiff this weekend to see Rhian and Callum.

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