Friday 10 April 2015

A Year Already!! 29th March 2015

Amazing  - we have been here in this beautiful country a whole year!

We had a lovely walk with Steve and Jen at Bowentown.

This last week has been quite a busy time for us and NZ.
  • Hamish wandered off to Wahiki, then home for Easter on 1st April. Rhian and Callum are visiting the Jeffcotts (and Callum had a great time in Amsterdam with his two best mates Connor and Jack). They also visited Nani, who is doing well, and Rhian is also camping in Ryader during this beautiful UK spring!
  • NZ got through to the final of the Cricket World Cup - a scintillating finish between NZ and SA in the semi down to the last ball! then a whitewash by Australia in the final with the WHOLE country watching. But you can't dismay the Kiwis, immediately they were saying how well they had done to get to the final for the first time ever. What brilliantly positive people they are down here!
  • We watched the Chiefs beat the South African Cheetahs
  • The clocks in UK and here have both changed so we have gone form 13 hours ahead to 12 hours for 1 week and now 11 hours ahead - does your head in!!
  • Shona finished working at Envirohub in the Historic Village (still volunteering once a week though), she is starting back at Prendos after Easter.
  • We roasted autumnal sweet Chestnuts which were abundant on a walk with Janet up on Summerhill where they used to have their farm

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