Thursday 27 August 2015

Digeridoo demo and Billabong birds

We started in the Mary River area where we visited a few diminutive termite mounds and spied our first wallaby amongst the magnetic termite mounds - they all line up N to S! clever wee creatures!.

We the received an interesting Cul Cul or welcome and introduction to Aboriginal culture from Graham a Limilngan-Wulna local. We all had a go and have realised that it is a real skill to be able to get sounds that do not sound rude from a digeridoo! He also showed us how they make paints and explained how local justice is metered out using a heavy club, where wrong doing is the responsibility of the whole family not just the person who commits the crime.

From there we went for a fabulous sunset wildlife watching boat trip on the Coroboree Billabong, truly beautiful.
We saw both large 4m+ long Salties and fresh water crocs as well as the beautiful and huge Jaberu ( a green necked crane type bird about 1.5m tall)

 See his eye - looks prehistoric!

We were told NOT to put our hands over the sides as crocodiles can jump a long way out of the water!

Here are a few other beautiful shots from this magical evening. Thanks to Rhian's great camera work.

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