Tuesday 23 February 2016

Back 'home' to the Bay

Wow we have been dashing around such a lot in these last few weeks but it is unbelievable to think that we only have 6 weeks left now!

After Waitangi day we had Valentines weekend, which we spent back down in the Bay of Plenty, staying with Steve and Jen.

The first view of the Mount and Matakana Island as you come into Katikati felt just like coming home!

We spent a lovely weekend catching up with friends, climbing the mount, swimming in Pilot Bay and on the breakers side at the mount. Shona enjoyed a lovely morning with Mary including a swim in the beautiful pool at Pacific Palms.

 Ahh beautiful

 After a brisk walk in the heat, a swim/paddleboard in Pilot Bay was delicious - and amazingly Shona found a live seahorse in the shallows - it was sandy coloured with dark patches, about 6 inches long and wrapped its prehensile tail around her fingers - Steve and Jen had never seen one!
Native seahorse

Then back to a lovely relaxed BBQ with good friends - such fun.

We will miss all these wonderful friendly folk.

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