Wednesday, 2 September 2015

Above ground :Kings Canyon

After sharing our outback campsite with a wandering camel and sleeping under the milky way in swags for a second night we set off for Kings Canyon, another spectacular huge rock formation.

We had a good hike around through the 'Amphitheatre' the 'Garden of Eden' and the 'Lost City' and heard the legends of the tribal leaders who waited so long to meet another tribe they turned to stone and the mounds are the tops of their heads!

These are the heads of the aboriginal leaders - still waiting! 
 The Garden of Eden is in this gorge

The scale of this place was amazing.
 Can you see the people on the other ridge?

 We even met some interesting birds and animals.

 Crazy Punk Pigeon!
 A rare pygmy koala!

 At the end of the day a surprise was sprung on Rhian and Callum - a trip in a helicopter as a special treat for a 21st birthday and becoming a teacher!

They loved it!