Saturday, 16 January 2016

Adrenaline Rush Queenstown and Glen Orchy

It was hard to leave the tranquillity of the Mt Cook valley, but there was a lot to see in our 2 week trip.

So on to Glen Orchy, via Queenstown and a Ferg Pie to sustain us.
We had a camp meal by the lake at Glen Orchy but decided to stay in the motel (not such a great idea in the end!!)

Barbara, Amy and Rob went Jet boating and Fun-yaking up the Dart river the next day and the stalwart trampers set off up the small looking Mt Alfred (it only looked small because everything else was HUGE!!), 6.5 hours later we got back from our estimated 2-3 hour walk! It was fabulous though!
 Malcolm saying this mountain is only 'that big'!
 A tough climb for a DOC walk
 Paradise is on the left of this view and the trees were filmed as the forests of Middle Earth in LOR!
 The river is where Barbara and kids were jetboating - they popped into Paradise on their way back!
   A superb days walk

The next day we camped in a very hot and busy DOC site on the lake just up from Queenstown - where Malcolm got to try out one of his Christmas pressies - a solar shower.

Queenstown saw Malcolm Paragliding from Coronet peak, Amy Canyon swinging from the top of the Gondola, Rob wild horse riding and Shona and Barbara battling it out on the luge! (not as dramatic as it sounds but Barbara only won because she sent a flying water bottle missile to put Shona off!)


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