Sunday 27 April 2014

Dear All,

Been here 4 weeks - awesome. A quieter weekend! We stayed local and explored our city. Friday was Anzac day (Google Gallipoli). Kiwis take it very seriously and it is a public holiday. We rose a dawn for a service on the beach attended by 1000s. The day is much more participatory that Nov 11th. The short service was very moving with poppies all round.

Getting dark at 18.00 as Autumn begins to turn to Winter...but still the sun shines! Not getting my thermals out yet. Just had supper at home Monkfish stir fry and feijoa crumble. Drank too much on Friday night under bad Kiwi influence! Keep meeting kind folk.

Bought bikes for exploring forest tracks. Walked along beach and back up Mt Maunganui today. Google Tauranga. Kiwis keep teasing us with tales of volcanoes exploding, earthquakes, tsunamis.......

We have tickets for All Blacks v England in Auckland in June. Not sure who to support?!

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