Sunday 4 May 2014

How do kiwis grow?

Life is becoming more settled here now, we are into our second month and the weather is still fine and warm, although all the trees are beginning to change colour and as we say at home ‘the nights are drawing in’!!

Last Friday I went for lunch to some friends of my school friend Kirsteen, they are kiwi fruit farmers, so I thought it might be interesting to show you how kiwi’s grow! This is the fruit picking time. The Avocado and Feijoa season is just finishing, walnuts, figs, lemons, and Sharon fruit are also ripe now – what an abundant land!

These kiwi vines are over 40 years old and grow the original green kiwis also known as Chinese gooseberries, there are also golden kiwi fruit which are very sweet and have a slight hint of pineapple to taste. The insects are cicadas which have left these skins on the bark after turning into adults.

And yes they do grow THAT big!!

So now you know

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