Saturday 22 November 2014

Early Welsh Rugby Breakfast and An Adventure to the East Cape

This morning 23rd Nov 2014 Malcolm hosted a Welsh Breakfast at 6.30am for some hardy rugby supporters. The match was excellent and up to the last 15 minutes or so, we all thought that Wales was going to keep the lead - but not to be! Still a great time.

We then had a lovely lunch with Angela and Paul old friends who lived in Knutsford but who were married out here in Bethlehem in Tauranga 40 years ago!

Last weekend we set off to try out camping in the remote and rugged East Cape, before we head down to south island for Christmas. Unfortunately the weather was very windy (and we had forgotten the sleeping bags anyway!) so we stayed in a motel!. On Sunday when we woke up the weather had brightened and it was a stunning day to visit the most easterly lighthouse in the world!

A major product of this remote area is medicinal Manuka Honey - one small jar can cost up to £30!


We also found this amazing looking backpackers lodge right on the beach - that will be where we stay on our next visit


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