Saturday 22 November 2014

Notes on the Kiwi Experience

We have put together a few notes on things you might find useful for a visit. Hope to see you soon.

The Kiwi experience – the essentials


        New World  and Countdown (Sainsbury) and PAC and Save (Aldi) ; avoid 4 Square

        Fruit, meat and fish – good value esp lamb and steak.

        Fish – kawai, snapper, green mussels

        Cheese – expensive

Café life – flat white coffee, deli  cakes and savouries are great; L and P lemonade; tipping in cafes/restaurants not expected; cold water supplied in cafes as standard

Maori – learn some history; its not just about the haka

Kiwi lingo – all good…sweet as….awesome…jandals and togs

Pies – a wide range; Kiwis love their pies

Rugby and sport – love it, sport is a religion here!

News – daily Herald, 6 News on Channel One; weather with Jim; comment on daily news Kiwi style on 7 Sharp. Radio New Zealand National for early morning news.


        Listen to the Tui, enjoy the dancing of the fantail

        Spot the silver underside of the iconic and ubiquitous symbolic fern

         There are no nasty surprises in the bush – nothing poisonous

Accommodation – try backpacker lodges they have much more than bunk room accommodation and you meet lots of people; all motels have cooking/dining facilities in the room

Beer and wine – wines enough said but they are not cheap;  choose craft beers

Roadside – lots of dead possums; stop and buy great cheap fruit and honey ; buy fejoia and golden kiwifruit in season. Drivers can drive very close behind. Don’t park facing the wrong way you’ll get a fine!

I sites  -tourist office in every town and are great; barbecues with gas provided in many camp/beach sites


        if you have forgotten clothing etc buy at Op shops (charity)

        Noel Leeming – Currys

        Warehouse – everything

        Paper Plus – Smiths – sells weekly Guardian/Telegraph

Deals – google: Book Me, Grab One and Trade Me (a kiwi institution)

Eating out – they eat/entertain early !

WiFi – not as prolific as we are used to

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