Friday 27 May 2016

Ancient Heaven and Modern Birds Nest

Our last day in Beijing was spent visiting the gorgeous & ancient Temple of Heaven, the oldest building in Beijing Temple_of_Heaven

The temple is surrounded by a huge park where all the retired people gather to do exercises, dance, do Tai Chi, sing Chinese opera or in a choir, play music, cards, knit and/or chat. It is very relaxed you can join in on anything - as we did to a game which was basically badminton played with your feet! Needless to say the lads who had spent more time playing football were much better than the rest of us! Great fun!

If you look hard in the photo above you can just see the feathered ball with Simon about to come in for the kick! kick shuttle football

Malcolm and half the group went in the evening by Beijing underground to see the famous Olympic Bird Nest stadium. Even to get into the station there were x-ray scanners!
Very impressive but also very smoggy with air pollution!

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