Sunday 15 May 2016

And so we say Farewell!

Hello again after a wee break, well we have now said Farewell to Awesome NZ and we arrived back in beautiful Britain on 5th May after taking our time to have a pretty epic trip back across the world. We don't return to our home in Knutsford till mid June, so we had plenty of time to enjoy trips to China, Malaysia, Singapore and Thailand before arriving back on 5th May.

Farewell to Auckland airport!

Also sorry about the confusion in my last blog, it is NZ we will be returning to for a just few months in January 2017. There is still so many places to see and things to do out there not to mention all the precious 'stuff' Shona has collected and was not able to cram into the suitcases this time round!

We did go round and say a final farewell over Easter to friends we had first met at Easter 2014 including John and Ruth

 Noel the Green Man from Envirohub seen here at the Tauranga Jazz Festival

 Mary the awesome chair of the Antiques and Collectibles group and my main buddie for swimming at the hot pools!
 The staff at my all time favourite Coffee shop - Pronto - see the Tui picture in the background? And the view of the Mount Maunganui Beach - just another perfect day in paradise!

 And Shona's favourite sailing buddies from the Ted Ashby - what fun we all had.

SOOOOOOO sad to say farewell but like bad pennies we have promised we'll turn up again in NZ

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