Tuesday 7 June 2016

Shanghai and the gardens

Out final flight was to Shanghai where we visited Tongli a water village then to Suzhou to see the Humble Administrators famous gardens.

Shanghai is another VAST city with heavy pollution so the tallest buildings cannot be seen anymore. It felt very impersonal, materialistic and showy. The villages and gardens were lovely but so touristy and packed that it was not easy to really enjoy them.

This is Tongli the water village

 All the activities like the cormorant fishing were just tourist shows for money!
 And this is the garden in Suzhou

A few other thoughts on China - So many Chinese came up to have photos with us that Lewis decided to start photobombing the Chinese tourist groups!
 Another useful sign in Chinglish!
 The Shanghai museum was really worth a visit.
 Sooooo much wealth and ruthless materialism, it was not somehow what we expected to see in a communist country?

A great group and a great trip - thanks guys! (and to Waall for taking the photo!)

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