Saturday 30 January 2016

Back to reality - 2016 what will happen this year I wonder?

I can't believe we are on the last day of January 2016 - it seems unfair to be going so fast through our last few months here!

We have started the New Year as we mean to go on I think! - after getting back from our fabulous holiday with the Gammans on the 9th we spent the next weekend based here in Auckland to recharge our batteries! Although we did manage an overnight camp up at Mangawai Heads a beautiful sandspit protected bay. As it is still very much summer holidays the camp site was full to overflowing but we managed to squeeze our small tent onto a pitch alongside Graham and Clare's tent (friends from the office).

The walk around the headland was beautiful and hot - the sea did look inviting and when we got back the swim was glorious! we also had a lovely canoe across to the sandspit where you can get really close to the birds - oyster catchers with chicks and cormorants etc because they seem to accept you more if you are on the water. Then the next day we brought the body boards down and played in the surf - such fun!

So a gentle way to prepare for next weekends adventures - Canadian canoeing down the Whanganui river near the Tongoriro volcanoes. One adventure where Shona was very close to suffering several sense of humour failures through sheer terror!

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