Saturday 16 January 2016

Christmas camping 2015

Oh what a superb view to greet us on Christmas morning from the tent. Mount Cook, white glaciers sparkling in the sun against a pure blue sky. Christmas???

But normal celebrations including Christmas stockings, bucks fizz, crackers and bacon butties followed.

Steve getting in early with the moustache theme!
What a wonderful place.

And special delivery from Rhian and Callum  - made a perfect morning.

We had a gorgeous walk up to the Tasman Glacier Lake which has icebergs on it!, as our Christmas day stroll before going to dinner at the posh Hermitage Hotel. a treat of all kiwi cuisine, plus turkey and Christmas pud!

After a lovely drink at the hotel we went back to the tents to change into our glad rags before returning to the hotel for buffet dinner.

 The drive home to our wee tent city was magical as the full moon rose over the snow capped mountains after a perfect day.

Our walk on Boxing day was just as spectacular going to the Hooker Glacier over several swing bridges up to the lake at the end of the right hand glacier coming down this side of Mr Cook.

An iconic Mt Cook Lily.

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