Saturday 16 January 2016

Summer Holidays 2015 - will we get all the stuff in the car??

Well what a superb summer holiday we had with Barbara, Steve, Amy and Rob down in the majestic mountains of the South Island.

The Gamman family arrived in mid December to an unsettled early summer, they had a great sail round the Hauraki Gulf and islands on Mauni with Graham and Diane, where a highlight seems to have been the wine tasting and lunch on Waihiki island and a brisk beat back to the marina. They even sailed past Shona on the Ted Ashby.

Two days before Christmas we all met at Christchurch airport and all 6 of us piled with all our camping gear into the 7 seater car, and guess what we fitted in comfortably - much to the relief of Steve and Shona who had been a bit concerned!

After a couple of hours we arrived at our first camp spot at the glacial blue lake Tekapo. Time to test all the stuff we had squeezed into our luggage!
First a cup of tea! - Thanks Amy

 Next to try the tents - we ended up with 4 instead of 3!

Now for a Barbie - a bit chilly this evening!
But a glass or two/more was an effective way to stay warm!!
Barbara and Steve visited the same camp site 25 years ago on their honeymoon. This holiday is to celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary.


 So with all the camping kit in working order we were off to serene Lake Pukaki (Rhian's happy place) and to Mt Cook Village and our campsite at Glentanner.

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